Where is…. my car??


Mapa coche

First, apologies if you have clicked on this post earlier today and you found it in Spanish, because obviously that was a mistake!

Second, I thought that I had posted this back then before Christmas but I didn´t, so I´m going to post it now.

As usua, lots of things have happened since last time I posted, some very sad things that I don’t even want to remember, and that just remind us how quick the time goes by and that we really need to enjoy everything we have with the people we love.

But some other funny / strange things have happened to me as usual, and I really wonder if these things just happen to me and to my friend Blanca, or also happen to the rest of the world but they don’t tell….???

One of these things happened to me just before Christmas when we went to Madrid for a visit, and since my dad’s shoulder was still bad from his operation, he wanted to move his car which had been stuck at the garaje for a couple of months already. So there we drove to Madrid with my dad’s car. My parent’s stayed at my aunt and uncle’s and we stayed at my cousins’ and the car stayed with us.

Everything went really good and we have a very good time with the family, and on Sunday, my cousin, her husband, their 2 girls, my husband and me went to a museum which has Projects for the children, we went in 2 cars (my cousin’s and my dad’s) and after dropping everybody off at the museum door, we went to park the cars.

Let’s do a side comment here about “Multitasking”, normally multitasking is good, but the problem is that you don’t really focus in all the tasks you are doing 100%, nor 80% nor 60%…. sometimes, it is cool and there is no problem, you can do those tasks just with 50% of your focus, but some other times, specially if you have a horrible sense of direction as I do, and you are in a city you don’t really know…. then…. there is a problema…..

I parked the car, as I got out from the car I answered a text, then my sister called and I talked to her while I was walking to the museum and because she really knows me she said “I’m going to hang up because you are going to get lost”, then I called my mom, and 9 min later from the momento I parked the car, I got to the museum, and I say “you cannot really walk far in 9 min, can you?”

When we went out of the museum I had a strange feeling …. “Mmmm I have NO IDEA of where I parked the car…..” so while the rest were having a drink I went to try to find it before we went back home, and after 15 min walking around the area I had to come back for help because I could not find it.

More tan 30 min later, the rest of the group went home to prepare lunch while me and my cousin’s husband stayed looking for the car, first on foot and then on a taxi, Street by Street, 1 more hour, and nothing. I was a bit preoccupaid but I thought that maybe it was the lack of food, so we decided to go back after lunch. I had some vague images of a very small narrow street, a handicap sign, no shops around… that was everything I could remember, and there they went again muy husband and my cousin’s husband again looking for it, this time for 2 more hours with no luck again.

At night after putting the children to sleep and really stressed since I had not told my dad anything yet, I went out again with my cousin this time after getting and drawing some lines on a map of where could the car be, and we spent 3 hours (until 1,30 a.m) driving around and highlighting the streets we were screening, but nothing, the car was nowhere to be seen. I even prayed San Antonio but it seems as if I didn’t offer enough money because he didn’t help me this time, and I spent such a long night thinking on how to tell my dad that I had lost HIS car…..

The next morning, quite early, I went with my cousin to my aunt-uncle place where my parents were staying, since we had to report it to the pólice…

My parents: “But… what are you doing here so early? We were not supposed to leave for Bilbao until midday….”

Me: “Yes yes, but…. We need to tell you something….”

Them:”OMG! What has happened???”

Me (Already starting to cry): “I…. have… lost……” (There I could not take it anymore and started REALLY crying)

Them: “WHAT???WHAT???”

Me: “The caaaaaaaaar! BUAAAAHHHH!!!”

My mom: “Holly Molly! The car only? I thought you had lost the children!” (The children? What kind of mother they think I am???)

My dad: “The… car???? How can you  lose the CAR???”

My cousin: “We think it has been stolen!”

My uncle: “I’m sure that you don’t even know where you parked. Let’s get dress and we’ll go to look for it, I’m sure we’ll find it” (Even if I told him that we had been looking for it for at least 8 hours he thought he was going to find it….:-)))

So… there we go to the police to report it stolen. And we didn’t lie, we just told them that we had parked the car and couldn’t find it later on even if we looked and looked and looked, so we assumed it had been stolen but we didn’t know for real. I’m sure they knew it had not been my dad even if he was the one who had reported it and they thought I had lost it the night before probably being drunk…). I felt a bit better when they told my dad that HE was not the first nor the last to lose the car after parking it.

I had to pay for a rental car to go back to Bilbao later on that same day because I had to fly to London that same night, so we left the keys there at my sister’s just in case the car appeared.

And yes, it appeared! The next day my cousin’s husband found it driving around on his motorbike in one of the streets of the “map” I marked, just the last Street of the corner of the map, a huge Street, perfectly parked near a gas station and a cafetería with lots of shops around, just as I have described it. Exactly in the street where I had said that I was 100% sure that I had NOT parked (or must I say just 99% sure….)

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