Witham 1



Here I come, again to the UK-Witham, lately this is where I fly. In the past I have been flying to many other countries (those of you who know me are aware of this), and I will write here some of my old stories when travelling around the world….

It has been quite a stressful week… nothing new but I had to deliver something on monday and should have worked over the weekend (something I very often do with no too much trouble), but this time it was impossible due to several birthday celebrations: my small one’s belated birthday celebration (whose birthday was in August but nobody was around and he really really wanted to have a similar celebration as his brother) and my hubbies birthday celebrations, which I sometimes compare to the Karpuntala’s Maharaja’s ones because of how many of those he has (although I cannot really say it very loud because I do the same with mine!!!), and one of my best friends birthday celebration… so Jeeeeez my diet out of the window!!!!

Anyway, even if I worked Sunday night, and all monday, my friend Murphy came to sit next to me and couldn’t finish and deliver until tuesday 5 a.m!!! (in between breaks to prepare the suitcase and the “planning” for “the team”, since I had to fly the next morning until the end to the Week.

After I left (aparently) everything ready, I flew (happily) to work (or rest) to the UK, but I had an additional complication since there was (or was not) a school strike which would not be confirmed until wednesday, so I didn’t really know what we would need to do with the children then.

As I normally do, I left the “plan” sticked to the fridge and me being (maybe???) a little bit controlling, I sent a msg to my philipino helper just before boarding at midday:

Me – “Please, prepare the sports cloths for Jon since he has sports in the afternoon”

Her – “Jon says, he has already had sports in the morning….”

Shit! Wrong planning, I though tuesday sports was in the afternoon!… he has been the only one without the sports cloths, the sports teacher is already “knowing” us… since last week Jon also lost his sports jacket just before the sports class…. pfewwww

On wednesday, I wake up and I get my “reminder” bipping: “Alex fruit school” so I think… “Mmmmmm did I note in the plan that Alex has to take some fruit this morning to school?”

Since he should be in route to school but not there yet, I sent a msg to my philipino:

Me: – “Hi did you remember getting some fruit in the Alex backpack? If you haven’t, just in front of the school there is a bakery, and next to the bakery there is a grocery store, just go there and buy it so he is not the only one without fruit”

Nothing, no asnwer. (I think, probably too late).

Mid-morning, no answer, so I send another msg:

Me – “Did Alex finally bring the fruit?

Her – “Does he need to take the fruit in the afternoon? He took bread….”

Shit! More points for the “Mother disaster of the Month”, although now that I think about it… maybe I should have not said anything about the bakery in my msg this morning…..

Me – “No, it was in the morning, but anyway, no issues…” (what can I say???)

Btw, more points for my “Disaster mother” tittle and a star for my philipino when thursday morning, I get a “reminder” bipping “Alex wednesday bread, thursday fruit” (!!!!)

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