Missing in combat


Se busca

Some of you guys who normally read me (or I should say “read me”), have told me why you haven´t received anything from me lately, and there is a very simple explanation…. because I have not written anything a while ago.

My new project work stress, along with that I want to be with the children as much as I can when I am at home and also that I have started a new “personal project” (which I will tell you about shortly) have been the guilty ones, but I have not forgotten this and I will not close it. I really believe this is a very sweet project for me and I want it to stay for the future, for when the children grow up and can read it, although I am sure that blogs won´t exist then but I hope backups will somewhere!

These days I will not share any history, but I will share some recommendations I have of some products or services I have been using during these last months, and you know that I look, check, compare… so even if I am sure that there will be more pretty, good and cheap things than what I am recommending, I haven´t found them yet.

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